Revitalize Your Mind, Body, and Soul during our Life Changing 6 Day Retreat to Mexico, and immerse yourself in the transformative energies of Teotihuacan for a truly unforgettable experience.
Transform Your Mind, Body, and Soul during our Life Changing 6 Day Retreat to Mexico, and immerse yourself in the restorative energies of the sacred pyramids of Teotihuacan for a truly unforgettable experience. Teotihuacán was built with the intent to transform the dream of the humans from fear to love and to help us detach the beliefs that dont serve us.
Teotihuacan, known as "the place where the gods were created," holds the key to unlocking hidden dimensions of your being. As you walk in the footsteps of ancient civilizations, you'll find yourself shedding the weight of the past and embracing a new, empowered version of yourself. It's a journey of self-discovery, a chance to break free from the shackles of old patterns, fears, and doubts.
Imagine standing amidst the awe-inspiring structures, the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, and the Pyramids of the Sun and the Moon, laid out with geometric precision and deep symbolic significance. Here, you'll feel the palpable energy that resonates through the sacred earth, inviting you to explore the realms of profound healing.
During this soul-enriching retreat, you will be guided to leave the burdens of the past behind and step into a journey of liberation. Our experienced facilitators will create a safe and supportive space for you to release old patterns, fears, and doubts, enabling you to embrace a newfound sense of freedom and self-empowerment. As you let go of what no longer serves you, you'll find the strength to embrace your true, authentic self, paving the way for a brighter and more fulfilling future.
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We believe that the connections we make with others can be a profound source of support and inspiration on our journey of self-discovery. That's why we've intentionally designed this retreat to be an intimate gathering, with a maximum of 14 participants. This limited group size ensures that each individual receives the personal attention and space they need to fully immerse themselves in the transformative experience that Teotihuacan has to offer.
By the end of the retreat, you'll emerge not only with a renewed sense of self but also with a tribe of lifelong friends who understand and support you on your ongoing journey of growth. The memories, laughter, and shared experiences will leave an indelible mark on your heart, reminding you of the transformative power of connection.
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Kimberly Sieper: is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Master Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor and the Owner of Blue Lotus Wellness, LLC in Manchester, NH. Kimberly is trained in mindfulness, Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, EMDR, Hypnosis, Level III Shamballa Reiki Master, Shamanism, Certified Crystal Healer, Level 3 I.E.T Practitioner, Level II Melchizedek Method Practitioner, Certified in Auricular Acupuncture, Certified in Nutrition and Integrated Mental Health, EFT Acupressure Tapping, and Past Life Regression Therapy.
Kimberly Barrett has been helping people heal for the last 20 years. Kimberly receives guidance and wisdom from angels, Ascended Masters and spirit guides and draws heavily on the energy of the Violet Ray. She practices and is certified in Melchizedek Method, Magnified Healing, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Reiki, 5th Dimensional Bodywork, Ton Ren, Brain Soulutions, Bars (Access Consciousness), spiritual coaching and various crystal therapies. She is the Owner of Light Upon the Lotus, a spiritual practice based in Manchester NH.
Kimberly Sieper: is a Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Master Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor and the Owner of Blue Lotus Wellness, LLC in Manchester, NH. Kimberly is trained in mindfulness, Dialectical and Cognitive Behavioral Therapies, EMDR, Hypnosis, Level III Shamballa Reiki Master, Shamanism, Certified Crystal Healer, Level 3 I.E.T Practitioner, Level II Melchizedek Method Practitioner, Certified in Auricular Acupuncture, Certified in Nutrition and Integrated Mental Health, EFT Acupressure Tapping, and Past Life Regression Therapy.
Kimberly Barratt has been helping people heal for the last 20 years. Kimberly receives guidance and wisdom from angels, Ascended Masters and spirit guides and draws heavily on the energy of the Violet Ray. She practices and is certified in Melchizedek Method, Magnified Healing, Integrated Energy Therapy (IET), Reiki, 5th Dimensional Bodywork, Ton Ren, Brain Solutions, Bars (Access Consciousness), spiritual coaching and various crystal therapies. She is the Owner of Light Upon the Lotus, a spiritual practice based in Manchester NH.
"The first time I went to Teo, I showed up a bit lost a bit broken and was not really sure why I was there... What happened was transformative for the rest of my life. I was able to feel connections to the sacred land and to the lady of Guadalupe. I was able to heal parts of me that I didn't know how to heal for upwards of 15 years before.
When I got home, I was essentially a different person. I felt more at peace, more connected with myself, more whole and absolutely healed. I still carry memories of the things that I have experienced and of the wounds that needed healing but they no longer have control over me.
There's something about the land that makes me feel like being wrapped in the arms of mother Earth herself held and supported in such a special way."
M. Lee
"The energies in and around Teo are sacred and nurturing while assisting you to let go of what no longer serves you. This first trip freed me from deep anger that I had been holding on to for so long. I was free to move on and be happy again to see good in the world again and a future for myself. The healing continued upon my return home and I became a much better version of myself.
I had the opportunity to go back and did so in a heartbeat. The supportive energies wrapped around me and dug deeper to heal other aspects of my life. Each trip has been magical all the while helping me on my journey of self healing and personal growth.
After my third trip I was inspired by my Guides to start leading my own trips down to assist others in their self healing journeys."
K. Barratt
Behind a gated wall in the village of San Sebastian Xololpan, adjacent to the ancient city of Teotihuacan, lies the Casa de los Sueños. Within its spacious compound are a dozen rooms decorated with the art of Mexico’s past, both recent and distant. The rooms have modern conveniences, but no modern annoyances. The atmosphere is reminiscent of the house of don Juan’s warrior's party, as described in the books of Carlos Castaneda, Florinda Donner and Taisha Abelar. One expects time to stretch and space to bend. Miracles seem normal, and are. Meals in the spacious and gracious dining hall are miraculous in themselves, country Mexican food prepared with skill and love. It’s a magical place for a magical time.
A $500 Deposit from any payments made is retained and non-refundable if you should choose to cancel.
Before 60 days to the arrival date of Sept 4th, you are eligible to receive a full refund except for the $500 deposit.
Less than 60 days to the arrival date of Sept 4th, cancellations are non-refundable.
We make deposits and payments to our vendors prior to the trip to secure hotel, travel, and other bookings. Therefore, these cancellation policies are strictly held in place. The best way to secure your full investment is by purchasing trip insurance from a reputable third-party provider.
Purchasing Travel Medical Insurance is highly recommended in case of any medical emergencies abroad. Coverage starts at about $20.
You may also want to add trip insurance with add-on feature of “Cancel For Any Reason” (CFAR) coverage to cover your trip (registration fee, flights, etc) in case you have an emergency and need to cancel your trip. Please explore your options and read the plans carefully. We are happy to provide any paperwork you may need to help you secure your insurance payment.
Here is a link for travel insurances that all cover COVID Cancellations.
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Website Designed by Cole Sieper