Mental Health Check-Ins

Monday, August 26, 2024

Mental Health Check-Ins

Why Mental Health Check-Ins Are Important

Mental health check-ins are important because they allow you to detect issues early on, increase your self-awareness, prioritize self-care, and allow you to track your progress in your ever evolving mental health journey.

Ideas for Mental Health Check-Ins

  • 1. Schedule Regular Check-Ins

Decide how often you want to check in with yourself. Consistency is key! Create a dedicated time set out in your day, week, month, or however often you decide you need these check-ins.

  • 2. Ask Yourself Reflective Questions

How am I feeling emotionally today?
What in my life has been causing me stress or anxiety recently?
Have I noticed any changes in my mood and/or behavior?
What positive experiences have I had recently?
What coping strategies have I used, and how effective have they been?

  • 3. Journal

Journaling can be very beneficial to people in tracking their mental health. A daily entry for a month can show the course of your emotions, behavior, or feelings that you may not ever have remembered. If you are not a pen to paper kind of person, there are many apps you can utilize to do this!

  • 4. Mindfulness and Self-Reflection

Mindfulness practices can be a useful tool during your check-ins to stay grounded. Techniques like deep breathing or meditation are some options you can try.

  • 5. Set Goals

Use your check-ins to set goals for improving your mental health. For example, if you identify feelings of burnout as a current issue, your goal might be to incorporate more self-care or reach out for support. Once you’ve identified a goal, create an action plan that details the steps you will take to achieve your goal!

  • 6. Seek Professional Assistance

If you have a therapist, share your check-in observations with them! They can provide additional insights, validate your concerns, and help you create your action plan.

  • 7. Involve a Trusted Loved Ones

Reach out to someone in your circle! Sharing your check-in results can help keep you accountable while also providing you with support and encouragement!

Blue Lotus Blog/Mental Health Check-Ins
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Kimberly Sieper

Owner Of Blue Lotus Wellness

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