76 Lafayette Road Hampton Falls, NH
Benefits of Thai Massage
Improves Circulation
Helps Relax Muscles and Relieve Pain
Improves Flexibility and Range of Motion
Helps Relieve Headaches
Helps Promote Mental Calmness
Helps Improve Energy Levels
Improves Quality of Sleep
We have designed this luscious timeout just for the two of you.
This workshop serves up an unhurried timeout for you and your beloved to melt into the experience of one another’s loving touch. You'll rediscover how to give and receive from a place of compassion, ease, and innocence... while you enjoy the profound healing that comes from mindful physical connection with your partner.
What You Can Expect
○ Gently-guided (fully-clothed, nonsexual) Thai massage
○ Easy-to-follow instructions
○ Soft, cushy mats
○ A feeling of deep energetic aliveness in your body
○ Shared connection and appreciations with your partner, and
○ A renewed and invigorated intimacy within your relationship
Unlock your creative authority and bring your visions to life in this afternoon workshop. Join us to unleash the extraordinary possibilities of visioning and manifesting as you discover the power of clarity and intention and learn to manifest your dreams at a higher level.
Explore techniques to attract what you desire and create opportunities for growth and success in your creative expressions and life. You will discover and create a unique vision and articulate it with unprecedented clarity, enabling you to overcome resistance and step into a confident, empowered embodiment of authentic self. Join us for this empowering workshop and create momentum toward realizing your purpose and dreams.
The word ‘Kirtan’ literally means praise — which makes Kirtan music the sound of praise. Many Kirtans have a call-and-response style, where one person sings a line, and another repeats it back. This makes it perfect for singing as a group because it means you don’t need to know the words, or be a musician, or even have any musical instruments on hand.
Kirtan music is an ancient practice in Yoga that can bring powerful spiritual effects, and is part of a practice known as Bhakti Yoga. Kirtan songs are made up of sacred sounds that can be sung by anyone, anywhere — it’s less about sounding pitch-perfect, and more about the feeling of lovingness, community and celebration that happens when you join together to sing songs of devotion.
Join us for an intimate evening of devotional chanting, a call and response tradition passed down through the saints of India. Sing outward and bath in the nectar of the divine. Connect to our true nature in a heart opening, throat opening practice that heals the divide of our truth.
A practice of breath, sound & mantra. Join Matthew Dwyer, yoga teacher and kirtan singer, to learn how to use your breath and body to gain inner access to the devotional power of your unique voice. In this workshop you will be guided through simple exercises that start to cultivate a relationship with your pure voice, the voice that connects us to our spiritual heart and longs to call out to the Beloved.
Bhakti yoga, the yoga of devotion, encourages us to explore the many flavors of the divine through practices like chanting. In this workshop we will learn breath techniques that bring us inward with the intention of expressing outward. We will use ancient mantras in Sanskrit that have deep healing vibrational qualities which help us foster the dance of our relationship both with our own voice and our connection to the divine. There is absolutely no experience necessary nor do you have to have any background in music. Everyone is welcome.
Limited to 10 people.
RSVP: by
Limited to 10 people
Join our village for a one-day grief ritual event where we create space for anyone who has experienced loss of any kind (loved one, job, relationship, addiction). We come together to grieve, to be witnessed, and to let our hearts be held in sacred community.
While holding sacred space, we will… combine writing, story telling, group sharing and participate in bhakti yoga. There will also be a focus on somatic awareness practices that guide us through our physical and emotional body in order to identify, process, and move with the emotionality of our grief. The event is for anyone feeling like they want to explore their grief and work towards healing.
During this event, you will have an opportunity to:
-Understand about your soul mates and soul companions
-Harness the power of love to transform your life
-Practice guided visualization and meditation
-Release old phobias and fears from prior lifetimes
-Discover extraordinary details about your past
Have you ever wondered why someone you have just met seems SO familiar, but you are SURE you have never met them before? Have you ever had that feeling like you have known them “a million years?” Have you ever visited a place that seems SO very familiar to you, but you are sure that you have never been there before? Have you ever had that “deja-vu” kind of feeling?
Take a journey to explore the limitless boundaries of the mind and soul via guided visualization and the latest in hypnotic regression. This will be a fun, SAFE and educational experience for us all. Included will be an educational component and two regression experiences. Everyone will have time to share experiences at the end of the session if you choose to.
Join Kim as she opens doors into the astonishing realm of past-life regression, guiding participants through the process step by step!
Minimum 5 people needed to run group. Max of 10 people. Bring a yoga mat, blanket and pillow if you choose to lay down or sit on the floor during the experience, but not required. All are welcome, so pass this on to your friends and family.
Join Steve Jaynes and Eric Martin for a fun, educational and hands-on experience working with the universal energy. As beings of energy and Light, we have the ability to harness and direct this powerful force! Experience yourself as a doorway to this Universal Life Force and how it flows through you. We will experience energy several different ways, including being attuned for Reiki and Reconnected Energy. And, you wont want to miss the "belief challenging" spoon bending activity!
There will also be a discussion on quantum physics and how new scientific discoveries have bolstered many ancient metaphysical beliefs, including meditation. Finally, we will put everything we have learned together and, working with a partner, practice receiving and flowing the Universal Life Force! At the end of this workshop you will have the understanding and tools to access healing energy for your friends and family if you choose.
This class is ideal for all those skeptics out there, so bring your friend, spouse or partner along too!
Join Darlene Doughty - The Multifaceted Shaman - in making your own Medicine Drum. You will be choosing your own drum hoop and hide (either bear, elk or deer upon request). A ceremony will be performed to connect with and give thanks to the animal and it’s spirit, reminding us to connect more with our inner selves. You will infuse your energy into the the drum and learn how to create and form the drum and beater from start to finish in the traditional ways.
Wear comfortable clothes. Bring drinks/ lunch and snacks
Facilitated by Jim Ready: a Kripalu-certified Yoga Teacher, iRest Yoga Nidra Teacher, Holistic Health Instructor, as well as Thai Massage Practitioner, and Mindful Improv Comedy Instructor.
The blended practices of Mindfulness and Improv Comedy are a natural fit.
They form a powerful, integrated tool for insight, transformation, and creativity. Improv consists of various games and exercises designed to draw us to the present, and tap into our creative and intuitive energies. When practiced mindfully, improv helps us become more intimate with, and utilize, our emotional power.
Mindful improvisation also teaches us nonattachment, beginner's mind, and authentic action, and reignites our inner child's sense of wonder. Sometimes there's belly laughter, sometimes poignant insight -- and sometimes there's both. Just like life.
There is absolutely no experience
necessary.. Everyone is welcome
Monday - Friday: 7am-8pm
Saturday: By Appointment
Sunday: Closed
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