What is a LADC Evaluation and why would I need one?

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

What is a LADC Evaluation and why would I need one?

A L.A.D.C is an evaluation performed by a Licensed Alcohol and Drug Counselor. It is a formal assessment that can be recommended through an intervention or legal advisor or required by a mandated court order. It is used to determine if a person has a substance use disorder or in need of further treatment. A LADC evaluation will do the following things:

• determine if a person has a substance use problem
• examine the severity of the substance use problem
• assess the extent of the problem in impacting the person’s life
• explore if there are any other physical or mental health conditions in addition to substance use (co-occurring disorders)
• help provide a complete understanding of the person and their history to establish a course of treatment that can be beneficial for their recovery

What to Expect:

The process of an evaluation can be lengthy and involves both an interview as well as a variety of assessments for the counselor to make a thorough judgement and report. The interview can take 60-90 minutes depending on the assessments and is performed by a counselor who specializes and is trained in substance abuse treatment. The interview will often encompass a detailed review of family, social, recreational, medical, substance abuse, relationships, legal issues, education, employment, mental health and treatment history to get a good understanding of the client’s history.
After the interview, the counselor will gather all the data and put together a report with recommendations. This report would be either mailed or picked up and can take up to 2-weeks to complete.

A LADC evaluation can encompass a variety of assessments to evaluate the severity of a substance use disorder. Different organizations may choose to perform different assessments and may choose to use one or two or several. Below are a few of the assessments, in addition to the use of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual V (DSM-V), that may be given to you at Blue Lotus Counseling and Wellness Center, LLC.

Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST)
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (SASSI)
Addiction Severity Index (ASI)

If you need a court Ordered Evaluation…

There are several instances where you might be required to have a court ordered evaluation. These would include circumstances where drugs or alcohol may be involved, and the judge finds it necessary for the conviction and sentencing procedures to include a formal evaluation. Legal cases which might involve a LADC evaluation requirement could but are not limited to:

• DUI (Driving under the Influence)
• Arrest for drug or alcohol possession
• Disorderly conduct
• Public intoxication
• Using a false ID

If you are seeking a L.A.D.C evaluation for court, you will need to be prepared to bring certain documents with you including a copy of arrest report and court documents stating requirements.
It is also important to remember that insurance companies do not cover the cost of these evaluations and payment is out of pocket and due at time of service. Cost of a L.A.D.C evaluation is usually around $400-600.

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Kimberly Sieper

Owner Of Blue Lotus Wellness

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